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整理编辑:广东省学位英语考试网  发布时间:2022-10-10 15:59:33  阅读量:0


        Passage Three

        The exhibit "Life in Shadows: Hidden Children and the Holocaust" used to be on display in the early 2000s at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington,D.C. Now a transcript and photos of some of theexhibit's displays can be found on the museum's website as an online exhibition. The exhibition reveals the stories of Jewish children who escaped the Holocaust. The Holocaust refers to the killing of 6 million Jews and others whom the Nazis(纳粹)thought to be inferior. The Nazis killed about 1.5 million Jewish children. Thousands of Jewish children,however,survived by concealing their identities or hiding out in places like cellars and barns.

        For example,there is a photo of a sweater worn by 8-year-old Krystyna Chiger,who hid in the sewers(下水道)for more than a year. Visitors to the site can also view a photo of a light-blue dress worn by Sabina Kagan when she hid from the Nazi death squads(行刑队).Also in the exhibition is a photo of tiny "toy soldiers" Jurek Orlowski and his brother fashioned out of wood. The brothers played with the soldiers in a dirty basement because they were afraid to go outside.

        Leon Chameides of West Hartford,Connecticut,told his story of survival through several photos and an oral account he donated to the museum.

        When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941,Leon's father asked a priest to take care of Leon. The priest sent him to a church,where Leon had to pretend to be a Christian. Hechanged his name and learned a new language. "I had to pretend I was someone else,” Leon said in the video. “That was an enormous burden to place on a 7-year-old.”

        1.The children mentioned in this passage were     .

        A. Christian        B. Jewish        C. killed during the Holocaust        D. honored for their bravery

        2.The exhibit in the museum tells us about     .

        A. the stories of Jews in the Second World War

        B. how some of the Jewish children survived the Holocaust

        C. how some Jewish children were tortured by the Nazis

        D. the life of the survivors of the Holocaust

        3.Jurek Orlowski and his brother     .

        A. played toys with German soldiers

        B. hid in a dirty basement

        C. used to wear light-blue shirts

        D. donated several photos to the museum

        4.Which of the following statements is true?

        A. The exhibit is no longer on display at the museum.

        B. The exhibits displayed were just photos.

        C. The children played dangerous games before the Nazis.

        D. The Nazis killed about 6 million Jewish children.

        5.The story of Leon Chameides tells us that he had to     .

        A. conceal his real identity

        B. hide away in a sewer

        C. move from place to place

        D. become a Christian






        1.【解析】B 细节题。根据文章第一段第三句可知,展会揭示了犹太儿童躲避大屠杀的故事,故答案为B。选项A(基督教徒)、选项C(在大屠杀中被杀害的人)和选项D(因勇敢而受尊重的人)均与原文内容不符,故排除。

        2.【解析】B 推理题。根据文章第一段第三句可知,展会揭示了犹太儿童躲避大屠杀的故事。文章也通过举例具体说明了犹太儿童是如何在大屠杀中活下来的,故答案为B。选项A(第二次世界大战中犹太人的故事)、选项C(纳粹是如何拷打犹太人的)和选项D(大屠杀中幸存者的生活)原文均未提及,故排除。

        3.【解析】B 细节题。根据文章第二段最后一句可知,朱列克·奥罗斯基和他的弟弟躲在脏兮兮的地下室里玩玩具,因为他们不敢出去,故答案为B。选项A(与德国士兵玩玩具)和选项C(过去穿着浅蓝色的衬衣)原文均未提及,故排除。向博物馆捐赠照片的是列昂·契梅德斯,并非朱列克·奥罗斯基和他的弟弟,选项D(向博物馆捐了一些照片)与原文内容不符,故排除。

        4.【解析】A 细节题。根据文章第一段前两句可知,“阴影中的生活:隐藏的儿童和大屠杀”曾于21世纪初在华盛顿特区的美国大屠杀纪念馆展出。如今一些展品的图文介绍可以在博物馆的网站上搜索到。由此可知,展览如今已经不再在博物馆展出,故答案为A。文章第一段第二句提到,展览除了照片还有文字,选项B(该展览的展品只有照片)与原文内容不符,故排除。选项C(孩子们在纳粹面前玩危险的游戏)原文未提及,故排除。文章第一段倒数第二句提到,纳粹杀害了大约150万名犹太儿童,选项D(纳粹杀害了大约600万名犹太儿童)与原文内容不符,故排除。

        5.【解析】A 推理题。文章最后一段提到,列昂把名字改了,学了一门新的语言,不得不假装成别人。由此可推断出,列昂不得不隐瞒自己的真实身份,故答案为A。文章第二段开头提到,克里斯蒂娜·齐格尔曾在下水道里藏了一年多,并非列昂,选项B(藏在下水道里)与题干所问不符,故排除。选项C(不断地换地方)原文未提及,故排除。选项D(成为一名基督教徒)与原文内容不符,文章最后一段提到列昂不得不假装自己是基督徒,并不是真正地改信基督教,故排除。


