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整理编辑:广东省学位英语考试网  发布时间:2022-10-10 15:54:06  阅读量:0


        Passage One

        When Nicholas Pave was three years old,he ate a piece of cake at a party. Within seconds,his throat was aching and his nose was running. An hour later,he started throwing up. Says Nicholas now: “It was scary.”

        How can one bite of one cake make someone so sick?Nicholas was having an allergic(过敏的)reaction to peanut-butter(花生酱)chips in the cake. His mom quickly called the doctor and gave Nicholassomemedicine.Withoutthemedicine,he might have stopped breathing. Some people allergic to peanuts have died after eating them.People who are allergic to peanuts must avoid anything containing a peanut or its oil. Sometimes just smelling or touching peanut oil or peanut dust causes an allergic reaction. That can tum a school dining hall into a danger zone!Now some schools have decided not to take any chances. They're cracking down on peanut products to protect allergic kids. In some school dining halls, peanut-free tables are being set aside. In other schools, no one is allowed to bring any "peanutty" foods at all.

        Banning peanut butter creates some sticky problems. Peanut-butter sandwiches are popular. They are a nutritious, affordable food for most families. However, there are many choices for a healthful lunch. School dining halls can provide a wide choice of foods that are safe for all kids. They can even send home suggestions for bag lunches that  don't  includepeanuts. People should be willing to sacrifice a particular food if it might save a child's life. All schools should ban peanuts and peanut products.

        Even if all schools don't ban peanuts, Ann Munoz-Furlong of the Food Allergy Network points out that teachers and students should have an emergency plan to deal with any allergy attack. Allergic kids should always wash their hands before eating and should never exchange foods with other kids. Kids should feel safe in the classroom and the dining hall.

        1. After eating the cake, Nicholas had all the following symptoms EXCEPT    .

        A. an aching throat

        B. running a fever

        C. a running nose

        D. throwing up

        2. Without the medicine, Nicholas might have    .

        A. got a headache

        B. felt sick

        C. stopped breathing

        D. gone crazy

        3."Cracking down on"(Para.3) is closest in meaning to"    ".

        A. banning         B. bringing

        C. throwing away        D. putting away

        14. Which of the following best summarizes paragraph 4?

        A. People can be allergic to some peanut products.

        B. Schools should forbid all peanut products.

        C. Peanut-butter sandwiches are nutritious.

        D. People allergic to peanuts should avoid peanut oil as well.

        15. The Food Allergy Network suggests that teachers should be prepared with    .

        A. information about allergies for parents

        B. plenty of anti-allergy medicine

        C. different types of sandwiches

        D. an emergency plan for allergy attacks






        1.【解析】B 细节题。根据文章第一段第二句和第三句可知,吃过蛋糕几秒钟后,他的喉咙开始痛,并且开始流鼻涕,一小时后他开始呕吐,选项A(嗓子痛)、选项C(流鼻涕)和选项D(呕吐)都属于尼古拉斯吃完蛋糕后的症状,故排除。选项B(发烧)原文未提及,故答案为B。

        2.【解析】C 细节题。根据文章第二段第四句可知,如果没有药,他可能会停止呼吸,故答案为C。选项A(头痛)和选项D(变得疯狂)原文均未提及,故排除。选项B(觉得要呕吐)是尼古拉斯过敏后的症状,但不是他不吃药会产生的直接结果,故排除。

        3.【解析】A 语义题。根据文章第三段最后两句可知,在一些学校食堂里,特别设置了无花生餐桌区,还有些学校,任何人都不允许携带任何含有花生的食品。由此可推断出,为了保护过敏的孩子,一些学校正在抵制花生制品,因此cracking down on的意思应为“取缔,抵制,镇压”。选项A(禁止,取缔)与cracking down on的意思相近,故答案为A。选项B(带来)、选项C(扔掉,丢弃)和选项D(把……收起,放好)均与cracking down on的意思不符,故排除。

        4.【解析】B 主旨题。文章第四段主要讲的是为了过敏学生的生命安全,学校应该禁止花生和花生制品,同时建议家长不要给学生带含有花生的午餐,故答案为B。选项A(人们可能会对一些花生制品过敏)和选项D(对花生过敏的人也应该避免花生油)均属于第三段的内容,故排除。选项C(花生酱三明治营养丰富)是第四段中对花生酱三明治受欢迎原因的解释,并不是第四段的主旨,故排除。

        5.【解析】D 细节题。根据文章最后一段第一句可知,在食物过敏网工作的安·穆尼奥斯弗隆指出,即使不是所有的学校都禁止花生,教师和学生应该有一个应急计划来应对任何过敏情况的发生,故答案为D。选项A(为父母准备有关过敏的资料)、选项B(准备大量的抗过敏药)和选项C(准备不同种类的三明治)原文均未提及,故排除。


