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整理编辑:广东省学位英语考试网  发布时间:2022-08-02 16:08:02  阅读量:0


一、Dialogue Completion (15 points)Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1.Abby: Do you like living in the city?

Bob: ________ Its too noisy.

A. Thats for sure.          B. Not really.

C. It all depends.           D. Who knows?


2.Clair: Are you coming with us?

Douglas: ________ Ive got to prepare for the test.

A. Maybe some other time.       B. Well, if you insist

C. Who cares?                  D. Id be glad to.


3.Allen: Hows your headache?

Jenny: ______. The medicine worked wonders.

A. Still the same.          B. Hate to tell you.

C. Its all gone.            D. Its getting worse.


4.Kevin: Is the restaurant any good?

Tommy: ______, but you have to try it for yourself.

A. I think its great          B. Dont worry about it.

C. Its a joke           D. Ive never been there


5.John: Why not give me a call tonight?

Margret: ______ Your number again?

A. Too late.            B. Does it really matter?

C. Ill be crazy busy.          D. Ill do that.


6.Blair: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith?

Steve: ______ Would you like to leave a message?

A. Hes not in right now.       B. Ill get him for you.

C. Hold the line please.        D. Mr. What?


7. Mike: Its a great movie. Ill go with you.

Grice: Great. But we must leave now if you dont want to miss the beginning.

Mike: ______

A. Id be glad to.           B. How time flies!

C. Ill be ready.           D. What a great idea!


8.Teacher: All right. ______?

Student: It sure did. Thank you so much, professor.

A. Can I see you in the next class B. Is it what you want to ask

C. Have I understood you correctly D. Did that answer your question


9.Jay: How are things going with your mom?

Lee: Shes doing great. In every way. ______

A. How do you know?          B. Thank you for asking.

C. Is that right?           D. You know better.


10. Cashier: Okay, thatll be $8.55.

Customer: ______.  

Cashier: Thanks .... Next!   

A. Here you go           B. Take this way

C. You are right           D. Its very nice of you


11.Kathy: I hope they have all that staff at the supermarket.

Ben: ______ We can also look online for the things we like.

A. It beats me.            B. How I can know?

C. Whats the point?          D. It doesnt matter if they dont.


12.Lucas: Sorry sweetie, I didnt hear you. ______?

Mary: Look here, this dress has matching belt and shoes. What do you think?

A.  Where are you         B. How you doing

C. What did you say          D. Why are you here


13.Mark: Lets go and sit down for a while. I need to rest and have a drink.

Linn: ______. Im tired too.

A. You are right           B. Thats amazing

C. Lets do that           D. Well give it a try


14. Boss: Congratulations to your promotion, Jack.

Employee: ______, Mr. Anderson. Ill do my best in the new role.

A. Same here            B. Thank you for your trust

C. The honor is mine          D. Id appreciate it


15.Carlo: How much is it for a person for a day?

Ben: With lunch, its only 60 Euros.

Carlo: OK, ______.

A. its too expensive          B. its a deal

C. forget it            D. Goodbye


二、Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

36.The weather report ______ rain last night, but it turned out fine

A. predicted              B. assessed

C. evaluated               D. judged


37. My visit to your county was a wonderful ______.

A. pastime           B. recall

C. entertainment             D. Experience


38. The girls ______ a pizza and two drinks and took them to a dining table.

A. brought               B. ordered

C. charged                D. Booked


39.Van Gogh is ______ the best-known painter in the world.

A. probably              B. reasonably

C. immediately              D. Directly


40. Fast food doesnt seem like a good idea, for it is ______.

A. nutritious            B. unhealthy

C. balanced               D. tasty


41. It may not ______ high income, but it can make them feel proud.

A. take                 B. afford

C. cause                 D. bring


42. Many illegal organizations try to cheat people for money ______ the bank.

A. on behalf of           B. in the name of

C. with regard to           D. for the sake of


43. Her passionate voice was always influential and ______.

A. dull               B. decisive

C. formal                D. hesitant


44. People in this area are in ______ over the heavily polluted air.

A. doubt                B. danger

C. trouble                D. suspense


45. I owed my success to the constant ______ of knowledge.

A. search                B. chase

C. pursuit                D. inquiry


46. I always ______ my childhood as the happiest time of my life.

A. look out for           B. look back on

C. look forward to           D. look around for


47. The two leaders ______ on the issues of the Middle East.

A. discussed             B. caught

C. supported               D. differed


48. Only those who have tasted bitterness will ______ among others.

A. lift up               B. go up       

C. burst out            D. stand out


49. To save energy, people have to ______ their electricity consumption.

A. cut out            B. cut away    

C. cut off           D.cut back


50. The company has ______ heavy financial losses over the last two years.

A. endured             B. born     

C. struck                D. met


51. The clouds had spread and nearly ______ the entire sky.

A. separated               B. hidden     

C. blocked          D. covered


52. The Vice Chairman of the conference is ______ inviting the VIPs.

A. in view of          B. in charge of   

C. in terms of             D. in place of


53. I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving ______.

A. in mind           B. in person      

C. by nature                   D. on purpose


54. She decided to have a physical checkup as soon as she finished ______.

A. what she did          B. what she had done    

C. what she would do         D. what she was doing


55. I ______ the instant coffee if its all youve got.

A. dont object to having        B. dont object to have   

C. am not objecting to have      D. am not objected to having


56.I like staying alone at home more than ______ with her to the shopping mall.

A. to go             B. going     

C. go                D. being gone


57. I certainly didnt appreciate ______ when I made mistakes.

A. to be accused          B. having accused

C. to have been accused         D. being accused


58. You ______ have said that, now Grandmas really angry.

A. shouldnt              B. couldnt    

C. wouldnt               D. neednt


59. The hotel couldnt offer ______ for all four of you.

A. a large enough room         B. a large room enough

C. an enough large room         D. a room enough large


60. No sooner had I locked the door ______ the telephone rang.

A. when                B. after

C. than               D. as


61. Rumor spread ______ the president of the company was involved in the crime.

A. how               B. that

C. what              D. which


62. Youre ______ understand the real meaning of love.

A. too young to              B. so young as to     

C. young enough to              D. as young as to


63. What ______ would happen if he told mom and dad what we had done.

A. do you suppose              B. will you suppose

C. you suppose              D. may you suppose


64. Come on, be realistic; life is not ______ it was in your time.

A. what              B. which   

C.when                D.that


65. Ever since we moved to South Florida two years ago, we ______ fresh clean air.

A. had been enjoying         B. have been enjoying

C. are enjoying             D. Enjoyed


66.Im fully ______ of the consequences of what Ive said.

A. doubtful             B. aware

C. worried            D. concerned


67. Some people seem to let their kids do______ they like.

A. whatever               B. however

C. whichever        D. wherever


68. Bill had drunk ______ as he did but without any obvious ill effect.

A. as twice much            B. much as twice     

C. as much twice              D. twice as much


69. It is important that the boy ______ an adult to take care of him.

A. have                 B. had

C. has               D. having


70. was interested in school work; otherwise I ______ mad.

A. should go           B. would have gone

C. had gone        D. would go


71. The park was ______ easy walking distance of our hotel.

A. within             B. inside     

C. about            D. from


72. Some expensive drugs can be economical ______.

A. at long last             B. in the long way

C. in the long run           D. at long length


73. As population increases, ______ .

A. industrial output also does     B. as industrial output does    

C. industrial output does to     D. so does industrial output  


74. Speaking two languages______ one has obvious practical benefits.

A. other than            B. better than     

C. rather than          D. less than


75. It is her beautiful eyes _____ attract most of the fans.

A. that             B. which     

C. what             D. who



