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整理编辑:广东省学位英语考试网  发布时间:2022-08-11 16:20:15  阅读量:0


Paper One 试卷一(90 mi nutes)

Part I Di al ogue Compl eti on (1 5 poi nts)

Di recti ons: There are 1 5 short i ncompl ete di al ogues i n thi spart, each fol l owed by 4 choi ces marked A, B, C and D. Choose thebest one to compl ete the di al ogue and mark your answer on theANSWER SHEET wi th a si ngl e l i ne through the center.

1 . Jenny: Shal l I go and tel l Mr. Fai rbanks about our proposal ?

Jacki e: ___________.

A. Yes, you go B. Yes, go C. Yes, l et’ s D. Yes, pl ease

2. Mori : I t’ s a pl easure to meet you here.

Kaco: __________.

A. Pl eased to meet you, too B. Thank you so much

C. I di dn’ t expect to see you here D. You ’ re too hospi tabl e

3. Wi l l i ams: Excuse me. I ’ m l ooki ng for a present for my son.

I have no i dea what to get hi m, Can you hel p me?

Sal es gi rl : ____________.

A. Of course I can

B. No, I can’ t actual l y

C. You must buy hi m a T-shi rt

D. Yes, I thi nk a T-shi rt woul d be a good i dea

4. Ti m: I hear you’ ve been to the book fai r. How was i t?

Susan: _____________.

A. Absol utel y marvel ous B. Very much i ndeed

C. Not necessari l y D. Qui te di sappoi nted

5. Ed: How do you get al ong wi th your new musi c teacher?

Maggi e: Ms. Davi s __________, but I l i ke her a l ot.

A. She’ s humorous B. She’ s ni ce to me

C. She’ s a bi t strange D. She’ s good at danci ng

6. Davi d: Charl es, coul d you dri ve me to the rai l way stati on?

Charl es: ____________

A. No, thanks. B. I’ l l be there on ti me.

C. Sure, why not D. Never mi nd.

7. Max: My son has been admi tted by Bei ji ng Uni versi ty.

Wal t: Congratul ati ons! He i s such a smart boy.

Max: ___________.

A. Yes, he i s B. You are ri ght

C. Thank you very much D. Don’ t menti on i t

8. Student: Do you mi nd our performi ng rock‘n’ rol l i n the

hal l ?

Teacher: _________.

A. No, you’ d better not B. Of course, i t’ s al l owed here

C. Oh, I ’ d rather you di dn’ t actual l y D. I ’ d prefer to l i stento rock ‘a’ rol l

9. Cl erk: Excuse me, thi s a non-smoki ng pl ace.

Customer: __________

A. Oh, I’ m sorry. B. How can you say that?

C. That’ s al l ri ght. D. That’ s i mpossi bl e.

1 0. Wai ter: How woul d you l i ke your coffee?

Customer: ____________.

A. I t’ s wel l done B. Very ni ce, thanks

C. Wi th sugar, pl ease D. Onl y one cup

1 1 . Vi rgi ni a: What about goi ng to do some shoppi ng thi s


Rena: ____________.

A. Go ahead, pl ease. B. Good i dea!

C. Me, too. D. Hel p yoursel f.

1 2. Carl os: Thank you very much, Mi ss James. That hel ped me

a l ot.

Mi ss James: ___________, Carl os.

A. Don’ t thank me B. Don’ t menti on i t

C. I ’ m fi ne D. I’ m sorry

1 3. Susan: I ’ m worri ed. My son doesn’ t l i ke to tal k wi th me.

Tracy: ___________. We were al l l i ke that at hi s age.

A. Take i t easy B. Change hi s mi nd

C. Don’ t quarrel wi th hi m D. Don’ t refuse hi m

1 4. Ni col as: I’ d l i ke to donate money to hel p poor chi l dren

at school . To whom shal l I gi ve my share?

Li Mi ng: ____________ I’ l l ask about that and l et you know.

A. Very wel l . B. Who knows?

C. Thank you al l the same. D. I t al l depends.

1 5. Kel vi n: We’ re al most fi ni shed wi th the project now.


Teresa: Actual l y, I prefer to keep goi ng.

A. Let’ s hurry up B. We’ ve too ti red now

C. Wel l be on ti me D. Let’ s stop for a break

Part I I Readi ng Comprehensi on (40 poi nts)

Di recti ons: There are 4 passages i n thi s part. Each of thepassages i s fol l owed by 5 questi ons or unfi ni shed statements. Foreach of them there are 4 choi ces marked A, B, C and D. Choose thebest one and mark your answer onthe ANSWER SHEET wi th a si ngl el i ne through the center.

Passage One

Jack Bi l l abong i s a stockman. One Fri day afternoon he wasri di ng al ong the track towards the Henderson farm. He was l ooki ngfor a pri ze bul l whi ch had escaped from the Borrogee paddock. Hereached the hi l l s and saw at once that he coul d not go further.There had been a fi re i n the forest whi ch had gone out. Butthe ai r was sti l l ful l of smoke and fal l en trees had bl ocked thetrack. Jack was just goi ng to turn back when he saw somethi ngmovi ng i n the smoke. He wai ted. I t was a gi rl on a horse, and shewas ri di ng towards hi m. “There’ s a badl y burnt man on the farm, ”the gi rl shouted. “He saved my l i fe. Pl ease hel p me to save hi m. ”

The gi rl was Cathy Henderson. She had been on horseback fortwo hours. She had to jump over fal l en trees that were sti l lburni ng. Her pony had fal l en wi th her twi ce. She was thi rsty andal most dead from want of sl eep. But she rode back to the farm wi thJack i mmedi atel y.Joe Brook was unconsci ous when they reached hi m. They l i ftedhi m onto Jack’ s horse. The ri de back to Borrogee was terri bl e.Cathy was so ti red that Jack had to ti e her to her pony. The ponywas ti red too, but i ts courage was astoni shi ng. I t fol l owed Jackri ght to Borrogee Hospi tal . Nobody saw them arri ve because i t wasni ght.“I ’ ve never seen a horse l i ke that pony, ” Jack sai d. Cathyprai sed Jack Bi l l abong, but she refused to say anythi ng about thepony, “Joe wi l l wri te about her i n hi s story, ” she sai d.But she di d say one thi ng:“I f fl ame hadn’ t returned to thefarm that afternoon, Joe and I woul d have di ed. ”

1 6. Jack Bi l l abong di d not turn back because _____________.

A. he hadn’ t found the bul l yet B. he smel t a heavy smoke i nthe forest

C. he knew there was a burnt man there D. he saw somethi ng movi ngtowards hi m

1 7. Why was the ri de back to Borrogee terri bl e?

A. Because Joe was ti red out.

B. Because the ri de started l ate at ni ght.

C. Because they di dn’ t have enough courage.

D. Because both Cathy and her pony were exhausted.

1 8. Cathy refused to tal k to reporters about the pony when she

was i n Borrogee Hospi tal

because ____________.

A. she di dn’ t know what to say B. Jack asked her not to tal kto them

C. she was too weak to say anythi ng D. Joe woul d wri te abouti t i n hi s wri ti ng

1 9. What does the word “fl ame” i n the l ast paragraph referto?

A. Jack. B. The pony. C. Jack’ s horse. D. The fi re.

20. Whi ch of the fol l owi ng i s the best ti tl e of the story?

A. Rescue of Joe Brook. B. Courage of Jack Bi l l abong.

C. Love of a Young Gi rl . D. Heroi sm of a Lovel y Pony.

Passage Two

The faces of el derl y, happi l y-marri ed peopl e someti mesresembl e each other. Dr. Ai ken studi ed a number of coupl es whohad been marri ed for at l east twenty-fi ve years. Each coupl eprovi ded four photographs—one photo of each partner at the ti meof thei r marri age and another photo of each partner twenty-fi veor more years l ater. Al background was cut from the photos toremove any cl ues. The photos were then di spl ayed i n groups: arandom groupi ng of the persons at the ti me of thei r marri age andanother random groupi ng of the same persons who took photographsl ater. Some testees were asked to pi ck out the partners. Theyfai l ed total l y wi th the fi rst group. Thei r judgements were nobetter than chance. But wi th the photos taken twenty-fi ve or moreyears after the marri age, the testees were qui te successful wi ththe most happi l y-marri ed coupl es.Dr. Ai ken bel i eves there are several reasons why coupl es growal i ke. One reason has somethi ng to do wi th i mi tati on. One persontends to copy or do the same as someone el se wi thout knowi ng i t.He says human begi ns to i mi tate the expressi ons of the faces ofthei r l oved ones. “Another possi bl e reason, ” he says, “i s thecommon experi ence of the coupl es. ” There i s a tendency for peopl ewho have the same l i fe experi ence to change thei r faces i n si mi l arways. For exampl e, i f a coupl e have suffered from a l ot of sadexperi ences, thei r faces are l i kel y to change i n a si mi l ar way.

21 . Dr. Ai ken cut the background from the photos for the purpose

of __________.

A. i mi tati ng the coupl es’ l i fe B. groupi ng the coupl es agai n

C. l eavi ng no trace for the testees D. gi vi ng the testees morechances

22. The underl i ned sentence “Thei r judgements were no better

than chance” i mpl i es that the testees __________.

A. di d a good job i n maki ng thei r choi ces.

B. had di ffi cul ty i n pi cki ng out the partners

C. had no chance to make the ri ght judgements

D. di d better wi th the fi rst group than wi th the second

23. The underl i ned word “i mi tate” (i n Para. 2) has a si mi l ar

meani ng to __________.

A. copy B. change C. know D. suffer

24. From the passage we can draw the concl usi on that


A. coupl es who l ook al i ke can l i ve l onger

B. most partners have been proved to grow al i ke

C. the i nfl uence between partners can be qui te strong

D. happi l y-marri ed coupl es are often ri cher than others

25. The mai n purpose of the passage i s to ___________.

A. expl ai n why coupl es grow al i ke B. tel l how coupl es l i keeach other

C. di scuss the functi on of marri age D. descri be the l i fe of happi l y marri ed coupl es

Passage Three

The three bi ggest l i es i n Ameri ca are: (1 ) “The check i s in the mai l”, (2) “Of course I’ l l respect you i n the morni ng”,and (3) “I t was a computer error. ”Of these three l i ttl e whi te l i es, the worst i s the thi rdI t’ s the onl y one that can never be true. Today, i f a bank statement cheats you out of $ 900 that way, you know what the cl erk i s sure to say, ” I t was a computer error. ” Nonsense. The computer i s reporti ng nothi ng more than what the cl erk typed i nto i t.The most annoyi ng case of al l i s when the computeri zed cashi er i n the grocery store shows that an i tem costs more thani t actual l y does. I f the i nnocent buyer poi nts out the mi stake, the checker, bagger, and manager al l come together and offer the fami l i ar expl anati on: “I t was a compute error. ”I t wasn’ t, of course that computeri zed cashi er i s real l y nothi ng more than an el ectri c event. The eye reads the Uni versal Product Code—chat bar of bl ack and whi te l i nes i n a corner of the package—and then checks the code agai nst a pri ce l ist stored i n memory. I f the pri ce l i st i s ri ght, you’ l l be charged accuratel y.Grocery stores update the pri ce l i st each day—that i s, somebody si ts at a keyboard and types i n the pri ces. I f the price they type i n i s too hi gh, there are onl ytwo expl anati ons:carel essness or di shonesty. But somehow “a computer error”i s supposed to excuse everythi ng.One reason we l et peopl e hi de behi nd a computer i s the common mi spercepti on that huge, modern computers are el ectri c brai n wi th “arti fi ci al i ntel l i gence. ” At some poi nt there mi ght be a machi ne wi th i ntel l i gence but none exi sts today. The smartest computer on Earth ri ght now i s no more i ntel l i gent than your average pen. At thi s poi nt i n the devel opment of computers, the onl y thi ng any machi ne can do i s what a human hasi nstructed i t to do.

26. Of the three l i es, the one about computer i s the worst

because the computer i tsel f __________.

A. says nonsense B. cheats customers

C. cannot make the error D. does not admi t i ts error

27. Accordi ng to the author, a computeri zed cashi er i s rea

l l y just ___________.

A. a machi ne to count money B. a machi ne to recei ve money

C. an i nstrument to pri nt codes D. an i nstrument to read codes

28. Grocery store pri ce l i sts are updated by ____________.

A. a computer B. a keyboard C. an empl oyee D. an el ectri cbrai n

29. The l ast paragraph of the passage i mpl i es that compute

rs ____________.

A. are very cl ever B. never make mi stakes

C. have a good memory D. are control l ed by men

30. Whi ch of the fol l owi ng descri bes the mai n i dea of thepassage?

A. Computers are stupi d and i neffi ci ent.

B. Computer errors are due to i ts di shonesty.

C. Computers hel p stores update the pri ce l i st.

D. Computer errors are actual l y human errors.


1 -5 D A D D C 6-1 0 C CC A C 1 1 -1 5 B B A D D

1 6-20 D DDD A 21 -25 C B A C A 26-30 C D C D D


